Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

June 02, 2006

Big Brother Wants Your Internet Surfing Records

This is both scary and reassuring. Scary because they want to know what we do on the Internet on demand. Reassuring only in that they don't already have this information.
Gonzales will go down in history as another totalitarian from the Bush Administration. He needs to be slapped down hard. The scary part is that no one seems inclined to do so. He's trodding all over the constitution and he's the guy who is supposed be defending it from all offenders. It's like having the fox watch the hen house. Chilling.
Los Angeles Times
Big Internet and telephone companies are girding to fight an unprecedented call by the Bush administration for them to keep detailed records of customers' online activities for two years. The request by Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III would dramatically expand the government's ability to track what people do online and with whom they communicate. MORE

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