Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

July 07, 2006

Bush's Unilateralism Comes Home To Roost

Mr. "Won't-Back-Down" Dubya just doesn't get it. He wants to do what he wants even if no other country agrees. But when Doublethink Dubya wants help, he expects the world to bend over. Not surprisingly Russia and China will have none of it. The Bush Administration has demonstrated his hostility to both countries by meddling in Central Asia and encouraging Taiwan's independence wishes. Now, he's not going to get his way.
Michael Green, who until recently served as the senior Asia expert on the National Security Council, said he believes China could be persuaded to sign on to a tough U.N. resolution, in part because North Korea ignored Chinese and U.S. warnings not to launch any missiles. "It's important to look at the quiet diplomatic work the administration did as North Korea prepared to launch these missiles," Green said. "The administration is now well-positioned to go back to these countries and say, 'North Korea defied you, and we should have a common position.' "

But Dan Blumenthal of the American Enterprise Institute said he doubts China would support the United States on tough sanctions in the absence of a more aggressive U.S. campaign to pressure Beijing. "I don't think they are too unhappy with the status quo," said Blumenthal, who formerly worked on Asia issues at the Pentagon. "The Chinese probably condemned North Korea the least. . . . I just don't see any evidence that the Chinese are in line with the United States and Japan on this issue."

China has a wild card in North Korea. Putin has his first opportinity to demonstrate his independence from the west and his distain for Bush.

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