Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

October 02, 2006

Details About a Foley Cover-up Emerging

It seems that Republican leadership was informed of Foley's activities a year ago. One of Republican Reps reported him for preying on one of his pages. The Republican leadership left him as Chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus!
This morning we find out he has checked himself into Alcoholism treatment, the best place to go to avoid being arrested.
The AlterNet article has details about his activities you won't find in mainstream media.
In a scandal that will likely take down the entire House Republican leadership, everyone is wondering why Rep. Mark Foley, Chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus was allowed to carry on his predatory behavior with a teenage boy a year after his relationship was revealed to party leaders.
Mark Foley, Republican of Florida, was caught sending very explicit sexual messages to 16 and 17 year old boys who worked as pages for Congress. Actually, he was caught by a fellow Republican, Rodney Alexander, because one of the pages worked for Rep. Alexander and turned Foley in. So, what did the Republicans do about it? Absolutely nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. They covered it up. Because it's what they do. The Republican Protection Racket stepped in and made the story go away. There was no public apology to the boys that were sexually harassed. No criminal investigation. No ethics investigation. Not a word.

Now, they feign outrage. Why weren't they outraged when they first found out about it? They're not outraged because young boys were jeopardized. They're outraged now because they're jeopardized. But it gets worse. They left Foley in charge of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus. Come on!

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