Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

December 07, 2006

Carter Accuses Israel of Apartheid

Finally someone has dared to use his formidable bully pulpit to correctly criticise Israel for it's policies of stealing Palestinian land. But of course, now the sickening drone of character assassination begins by neo-cons and Likudniks against one of our more cherished statesmen.
Didn't you know? Carter is anti-semitic.
Truly, he is an honest broker with a williness to stare down the Israeli lobby. He dealt with Egypt and Israel with equal objectivity and is personally responsible for advancing the cause of peace in the Middle East beyond any other president, past or present. Listen to his words, world, and see the truth as it is.
While acknowledging that the word "apartheid" refers to the system of legal racial separation once used in South Africa, Carter says in his book that it is an appropriate term for Israeli policies devoted to "the acquisition of land" in Palestinian territories through Jewish settlements and Israel's incorporation of Palestinian land on its side of a separating wall it is erecting.

He criticizes suicide bombers and those who "consider the killing of Israelis as victories" but also notes that "some Israelis believe they have the right to confiscate and colonize Palestinian land and try to justify the sustained subjugation and persecution of increasingly hopeless and aggravated Palestinians."

Accusing the Bush administration of abandoning the effort to promote a lasting peace, he calls for renewed negotiations on the basis of security guarantees for Israel and Israel's recognition of U.N.-established borders.

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