Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

January 02, 2007

Bush handed Saddam to sectarian lynch mob

Was justice done in Iraq when Saddam went to the gallows? Ask Sunnis who see this video what they think. Clearly, the US handed Saddam off to a sectarian militia, the Madhi Army in particular, which currently runs the Department of the Interior.
Toward the end of the clip, you can make out deafening shouts of "Muqtada," indicating to the entire Muslim world and beyond that Saddam was essentially handed over to a Shi'ite militia to kill their enemy, a Sunni.

You probably didn't see much of this tape in mainstream news. But NBC did cover it.
The Baath Party supporters, the people behind Saddam Hussein are not the overwhelming majority of people in this country carrying out attacks against American soldiers or against Iraqis themselves. Now it is mostly still Sunnis, but more Sunnis with a fundamentalist, more people motivated by Al Qaeda than to bring back Saddam Hussein. What could happen is the more sectarian concerns. The fact that this video and the execution itself were tinged by such sectarian overtones, that could fuel the much more greater problem in this country which is the civil war.

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