Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

October 29, 2007

Hope For Free Speech in America

Has there ever been freedom of speech in America? It seems to me that there has always been a risk of social-political consequences for expressing an opinion. But when that prohibition prevents us from looking at the wisdom of some of our central assumptions and values in foreign policy, the risk of not discussing is akin to abdicating policy to a hidden agenda. This is exactly what has happened in US policy towards Israel. Anyone who dares disagree with Israel is a candidate for the label of "anti-Semite".
What do you think? Does Jimmy Carter hate Jews? Henry Ford did, and he got away with helping build the German war machine before war broke out. Jimmy just spoke out in public.
If it weren't for that single word, apartheid, Carter's book would likely not have become a best seller. "I devised the title myself," he told an audience of former aides and supporters after a screening Tuesday evening in Washington. "I wanted to precipitate a debate that has been totally absent and is still totally absent." It was the first time he had seen the film on the big screen, and he felt it had turned out well despite his initial trepidation. He commended Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for convening a Mideast summit in Annapolis, Md., next month, but decried what he called "a complete dearth" of leadership among the presidential candidates for a balanced approach in the Middle East. In Carter's view, the pro-Israel lobby has made an open discussion "political suicide."

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