Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

December 04, 2005

Inability of Bush to fire Rumsfeld for Near Dereliction of Duty and (just shy of) Criminal Negligence

Increasingly wise Republicans are repudiating Bush for his lack of leadership. Again, Gregory Djerejian from THE BELGRAVIA DISPATCH
I've now come to the point where the continued inability of President Bush (who, after all, is our Commander in Chief) to fire Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for his repeated near dereliction of duty and (just shy of) criminal negligence have pushed me to a bursting point.

In the main, this is because of two main factors: 1) his inability to hold Rumsfeld accountable, and 2) his kow-towing to Dick Cheney on the torture issue where the clear way ahead is that of John McCain, and Victor David Hanson, and Tom Kean, and so many other adult, responsible Republicans.

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