Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

December 21, 2005

Tax Cuts for the Wealthy Funded By Cuts to Medicare/Medicaid

Did you know, the deficit isn't important? In fact, the deficit isn't really a deficit. Bush who has vastly increased the federal deficit is now credited by his Treasury Secretary with reducing it. Doublethink Dubya hires people who think like he does.
Brad DeLong
"the president's legacy will be one of having significantly reduced the deficit in his time," and said Clinton's budget was a "mirage" and "wasn't a real surplus."

And the major means they are using to cut the deficit is cutting Medicare and Medicaid. But of course, they are using more money than they cut to finance another tax cut for the wealthy. So they are successfully reducing the deficit by increasing it!?
The Left Coaster
Cheney rushed back to cast the tie-breaking vote this morning in the Senate on an alleged deficit reduction bill, a bill that actually adds to the deficit because cuts in domestic programs are washed away by the tax breaks the GOP plan on passing in 2006. And if Cheney thinks that deficits don’t matter, then we can assume that the real reason he came home so soon was to ensure that those domestic programs could be cut to pay for those tax cuts. Just remember that Medicaid, child support enforcement, foster care, child care, and other worthy programs are being reduced by the GOP in order to maintain and extend tax breaks for the wealthy and Corporate America. In fact, the domestic cuts would be largely unnecessary had the GOP Senate and House reined in unnecessary corporate welfare in the Medicare and Medicaid programs that benefits drug and managed care companies.

By George, I think I've got it! The rain in Spain falls mainly where ever the President says it falls. Really! Even if it doesn't, it really does! It's just an illusion created by the liberal cloud conspiracy.


fc said...

Blog explosion surfing and decided to say hello. Your analysis of today's outcome with the cuts to social programs by Bushji is no surprise at all. It is a sad state of affairs our nation is going thru right now... sigh...

I have seen your blog name on the BBA Blogroll but never visited. I will make a note of your blog to go into the daily rotation of my favorites. Dementia like problems force me to write everything down. That is why I started a links page and when blogs came along, it was a natural progression...


Impeach Bush...

- fc ( fatcat politics )

Joseph j7uy5 said...

Referring back to the quote from Brad DeLong, in which he states:
"the president's legacy will be one of having significantly reduced the deficit in his time," and said Clinton's budget was a "mirage" and "wasn't a real surplus."
This raises a point of irony. The surplus, which we now learn was a "mirage," was one of the things used to justify the first round of tax cuts. Are those who claim it was a "mirage" now also saying that the rationale for the tax cuts was false?

Dave Marco said...

Of course the rationale was false. I don't think they are trying to hide it anymore. Their purpose all along was to "starve the beast". Thanks for stopping by!