Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

September 28, 2006

Senate Looking Like Furtile Ground for Dems

The New York Times has a good national review of the Dem's prospects for the Senate looking promising, including some unexpected opportunities.
The local MN race between Amy Klobuchar and Mark Kennedy has been looking like a Democratic route, so Kennedy has been blitzing local media with attack ads, here and here. The tone of these ads is very dark. They are using facts that have very little meaning in an attempt to undermine Amy's credibility. The local paper's blog, big_question describes the latest ad: starts with Klobuchar’s face and voice, saying that the best way to judge the job that someone will do in the future is to “see what they’ve done in the past.” This time, the ad keeps Klobuchar’s voice saying over and over (I count 12 times) versions of “see what they’ve done in the past,” several of which are no more than the word “past.” And this time, no narrator gives you the facts. The factual assertions are made on screen in fleeting, jumpy, hard-to-read type. The words “Broken Promises” appear four times, interspersed with things like “52% of first-degree drug felons were given lighter sentences,” and “career criminals continued to get plea bargains” and “then she kept handing out plea bargains.”

While it is true that plea bargains are a plenty, any one who watches TV knows that plea bargains are the way convictions without adequate evidence are to be had. So the statistic in no way reflects her prosecutor talents.
This ad is a good example.
...before the interests of the giant pharmaceutical companies and the big oil companies and all the thousands of expensive lobbyists that visit the halls of Congress every day.” (Amy Klobuchar, “Solutions for People, For a Change,” December 13, 2005) “But has thousands invested in both.” TRUE: An analysis of Klobuchar’s Personal Financial Disclosure Forms shows an estimated $10,000 to over $51,000 worth of oil and drug company stock.

Anyone who has an annuity has oil investments. If a politician speaks out against big oil, hurting her own investments, it would seem she is supporting people in general rather than her own narrow interests. Clearly, Kennedy is grasping at straws here, trying to take evidence that makes Amy look good and turn it bad, purely with spin.
Then his ad say, "Amy Klobuchar will say anything to get elected." No, Mark Kennedy will say anything, deliberate distortions and half-truths designed to mislead, and he proves it daily on the radio and TV.

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