Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

March 08, 2007

Top Secret Gov't Spying room revealed by AT&T Whistleblower

The Bush Administration is still spying on us. Virtually everything that goes over the internet is monitored by the NSA, weather it is foreign or domestic traffic. This whistleblower, a retired ATT staffer is interviewed for ABC's Nightline. Here is AlterNet's Video feed and excerpted comments below.
In the name of fighting the "war on terror," the Bush Administration has secretly enlisted the help of telecommunications agencies across the nation to do "datamining" -- using pre-programmed criteria to sift through the private information of Americans on the web and telephone lines in search of clues.
There is no oversight despite the existence of a court (FISA) which is designed for just this purpose. Of course, you see the problem; the technology has outgrown the oversight method though the administration has chosen to just push on...

In this clip, former AT&T technician Mark Klein discusses his investigation of a secret room built in conjunction with the National Security Agency through which all customer information was routed.

[..]Judge Walker wrote, "But dismissing this case at the outset would sacrifice liberty for no apparent enhancement of security."

The dismissal is now on appeal before the 9th Circuit.

Hurray for Judge Walker. Lets how the courts are still defending our privacy.

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