Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

December 19, 2007

Was Rice's trip to Iraqi Kurdistan Deliberately Sabotaged?

Now, why would Rice go to Iraqi Kurdistan at the precise moment of a Turkish incursion? There is no way Rice would do that on purpose.
Yet, there is a leak saying the US provided real time intelligence to Turkey on the location of PKK terrorists, just as Rice was leaving Washington.
Sure looks like a set up. And guess who has been setting up the Secretary of State for the past 7 years? This has Cheney's smell all over it.
Informed Comment
it is absolutely impossible that Condi plans out a trip to Kirkuk and a meeting with Barzani with full knowledge that while she is there, Turkey will send 500 Turkish soldiers into northern Iraq to occupy the villages of Kaya Retch Binwak, Janarok and Gelly Resh. Or even that when she set out on her trip, she knew that Turkey was planning to bomb Iraqi Kurdistan on Sunday, killing 3, wounding 8, and displacing 300 Kurdish villagers.

[..]So in my view Turkey is trying to drive a wedge between the US and Barzani, and Turkish chief of staff Yasar Buyukanit deliberately embarrassed Secretary Rice and ruined her trip to celebrate Kurdish-Arab reconciliation (a reconciliation that is not actually good news for Ankara, which does not want to see the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government annex Kirkuk).

If the bombing raid was also not a SNAFU but was a deliberate attempt to thwart Rice's good feeling tour in Iraqi Kurdistan, then that would point to the Turkish military having received advance warning from someone in the US government about Rice's secret trip. That is, it would point to spying. That in turn would raise the question of whether there are relatively high USG officials who had knowledge of her secret itinerary, and who have an interest in bolstering the ties of the US with the Turkish military at the expense of Washington's de facto alliance with Barzani in Iraq.

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