Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

October 04, 2004

News & Views New Partnership for America's Future

Finally, Democrats have put together a comprehensive plan to build a better America. They represent a mission statement for the next four years to rebuild our economy, strengthen the middle class ravaged by fours years under Republicans, and rebuild our prestige worldwide after four years of Bush/Cheney arrogance.
News & Views | "New Partnership for America's Future
Throughout our nation's history, hope and optimism for the future have always defined the American spirit. Our tradition has been to expand opportunity, and strengthen family and community. A vibrant middle class and an informed electorate have formed the foundation of our democracy. That is why House Democrats have joined together to put aside partisanship and put forward the needs of the American people through our 'New Partnership for America's Future.' This new agenda reaffirms the commitment of House Democrats to six core values for a strong and secure middle class."

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