Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

August 31, 2005

Hugo Chavez offers inexpensive gasoline to USA’s poor
The Mexico City newspaper that has been covering the Reverend Jesse Jackson’s visit to Venezuela, El Universal, is reporting that President Hugo Chavez is offering gasoline and heating fuel at very low and affordable prices to the poor and needy in the USA. Hugo Chavez said yesterday that he will be apportioning 1.5 million barrels of oil daily at 40% less than market price through the Venezuelan government owned "Citgo" in the USA. Citgo will refine the oil into gasoline and heating fuel and make it available to the unemployed, the poor and old folks who find it difficult to heat their homes in the winter. Petr󬥯s de Venezuela, S.A., the national oil company of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, purchased Citgo in the 1990’s.

President Hugo Chavez said that he estimates that his offer will benefit from between 7 to 8 million needy Americans. He added that his embassy in Washington D.C. has already received 140 applications for the program because Americans are being "defrauded" and "gouged" by greedy US oil companies like Chevron and others. Chavez plans to implement the program through 8 refineries and 14 thousand gas stations that Citgo (Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A.) owns in the USA.

Chavez timing couldn't be better. Threatened by Pat Robertson, villified by the Bush Administration, Chavez offers to come to the aid of the poor in the US. He has made a shrewd move to break through the stonewalling at the border for Chavez' political bandwagon. Lets see if he can get in.

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