Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

May 22, 2007

Stop Gasoline Price Gouging

Do you believe that the price of gasoline reflects a market driven price? Or do you believe there is rampant price gouging. And since oil companies have failed for many years to build more refineries, despite billions of dollars of profits, they have fixed the price artificially high. Oil companies are no different than electric or other utility companies. They need to be highly regulated to prevent abuse of power.
You can do your part.

Stop Price Gouging

Gasoline prices are predicted to be even higher than last summer, even though Big Oil just announced record profits. Enough is enough! A bill in the House would make gasoline price gouging a federal crime, and it could pass this week! Can you help be sure it does? A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to your Representative.

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