Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

January 03, 2005

Who's leaking here?

Bush seems to have lost is "magic". First it was significant disloyalty in the CIA, now its leaks from within the Administration that are not complimentary. With all the turnover in leadership, its not surprising there is disorganization. The interesting question is what happens after Congress convenes? Already he has Lugar on the attack about holding Guantanamo prisoners for life and rumors of flagging support for privatization of Social Security. I suspect the problem was his record in the first four years. An awful lot of Republicans were complaining about Iraq, violation of Civil Liberties, and influence of the Rightwing Christians on the Republican platform. I'm crossing my fingers that the Republicans will collapse in disarray and in fighting. Wishing never hurts!

 [The Agonist]

Who's leaking here?-Nick Hoover | January 3 The Agonist - In a New York Daily News article today, a "senior administration official" made several statements I find rather remarkable considering those made in the last few years.  I'm really wondering who it is... Included:  "It's been sloppy. ...People are off message." "It's the worst I've ever seen it." "The Kerik appointment was the worst of all." - too many White House staffers have been more concerned with trying to move up the career ladder than their day-to-day work. Although the rest of the article lacks any real substance, these statements strike me as coming from a disgruntled source.  Colin Powell? I wouldn't expect him to talk about message. Someone else? And the whole article seems to stand in stark contrast to this one from this morning's Washington Post.

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