Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

October 29, 2005

Al-Sistani Said to be Weighing a Demand for US Pullout
Iraq's top Shiite cleric is considering demanding a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. and foreign troops after a democratically elected government takes office next year, according to associates of the Iranian-born cleric.

If the Americans and their coalition partners do not comply, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani would use peaceful means such as mass street protests to step up pressure for a pullout schedule, according to two associates of the cleric.

Sistani has been looking for the right opportunity. That is why he's refused to meet with Americans. He wants to be sure he looks like the leader that threw the bums out! And after the US leaves, he will encourage the Iranians to help out, something they offered to do months ago.

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