Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

October 19, 2005

The Fate of 'Made in the USA'

Wondered why good paying jobs are drying up in the US? It's not soley about globalization, it's about China playing a growth hand at our expense. And Bush policies of borrowing all the China surplus puts them even further in the catbird seat. Remember when the Republicans used to complain the Dems were weak on defense? The US is at it's weakest point it's been since acquiring superpower status. That status is being squaundered on a Bush adventure in Iraq.
Washington Post
But one giant unknown clouds everything: China. Until now, its booming U.S. exports have mostly displaced exports from other countries. As China modernizes -- moves into more advanced industries -- this could change dramatically. The combination of low wages, a huge market and an artificially low currency confers staggering competitive advantages. They constitute a powerful magnet for foreign investment in many sectors, whose output could subsequently be exported. Unless the currency rises substantially, the United States could lose many industries that, by all other economic logic, it shouldn't. Therein lies the real threat of extinction or something close to it.

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