Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

October 12, 2005

Cheney In Trouble?

There are rumors flying that Cheney is on the outs in the White House. Some rumors say that Cheney has become a target of the Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald investigation.
The Next Hurrah
Clearly, there is a lot of evidence to suggest Cheney did know of Wilson's trip when it happened. Which would mean Cheney's office either buried evidence they had been briefed on the trip in February 2002. Or they buried that evidence by the time they testified to the SSCI.

This is what I think Fitzgerald may be closing in on. True, he might just have Cheney going after Wilson in response to his Meet the Press statements, and stumbling on the INR memo. That would already require enough of a conspiracy to communicate to John Bolton (or whoever discovered the information on the trip from the INR memo) that they were looking for information on Wilson.

This is what I think Fitzgerald may be closing in on. True, he might just have Cheney going after Wilson in response to his Meet the Press statements, and stumbling on the INR memo. That would already require enough of a conspiracy to communicate to John Bolton (or whoever discovered the information on the trip from the INR memo) that they were looking for information on Wilson.

But as news reports indicate Fitzgerald is closing in on Cheney and as more news of Cheney's apparent estrangement from this Administration appears, I think it's bigger than that. I think Fitzgerald may be piecing together evidence that Cheney deliberately ignored the results of Wilson's trip ... and then buried evidence he had done so.

I have no idea whether that means he's also getting close to solving the Niger forgery mystery. But if Cheney knew of Wilson and ignored his intelligence--then lashed out precisely because Wilson could prove that he deliberately ignored intelligence that proved the case for war was fraudulent, it would be damning enough.

Meanwhile, there are indications that all the President's men are at each other's throats. Books
Apparently, according to two journalist sources of mine, when Rove learned that he might have violated the law, he turned on Cheney and Libby and made it clear that he held them responsible for the problem they had created for the administration. The protracted silence on this topic from the White House masks considerable tension between the Office of the President and the Office of the Vice President.

If all of this is true, Cheney and Rove have been distanced by the Bush White House, that leaves Dubya and his loyal lieutenant Rice running the show. I shudder at the prospects....
Here is a great timeline on the Plame/Fitzgerald investigation.

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