Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

October 23, 2005

Condi Wants to Talk to Iran?

Iran said today it will not engage in direct contact with the United States to discuss Iraq. Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice mentioned the United States could seek direct contact with the Iranian government to discuss concerns insurgents are crossing into Iraq from Iran and that Iran was supporting Shi'ite groups in Iraq.

Iran's ISNA news agency cites Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Assefi as saying Rice's suggestion of talks conflicted with the hostile U.S. attitude toward Iran. Assefi said if the U.S. wants direct talks with Iran, Washington would have to change its stance towards Iran.

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Either Rice is a well meaning idiot or she wants to continue to stack the cards against Iran by inviting them to talk face to face in a situation that they would look weak to accept. That invitation guaranteed the response.
Informed Comment
Secretary of State Condi Rice suggested Thursday that the United States talk directly to Iran about Iraq. I know about partisan politics and all, but Rice should really be congratulated and praised for daring to say this, and to buck the American Enterprise Institute and the Project for the New American Century and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on the issue. Alas, the Iranian response was not forthcoming. I have a suggestion for Rice: you can't start at this high level. Start with a track two meeting in a neutral country, among academics from both countries who are well connected politically. Things might develop from there.

Juan Cole avoids all condescension by suggesting to Condi that her idea was a good one, but that the initial approach needs to be through informal unofficial channels. Juan teaches Condi a lesson in international diplomacy? I congratulate him on his attempt. But I think Condi learning is about as likely as Iran's Foreign Minister sitting down with Condi anytime soon.
The most likely explanation is the former above. Condi has been actively isolating and rallying the west against Iran, apparently with some success. It's not likely she was really suggesting a sit down. This is just another opportunity to show Iran being uncooperative.

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