Citizen G'kar: Musings on Earth

October 18, 2005

Impeach Bush!

The Independent UK
George Bush told the Prime Minister two months before the invasion of Iraq that Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea may also be dealt with over weapons of mass destruction, a top secret Downing Street memo shows. The US President told Tony Blair, in a secret telephone conversation in January 2003 that he "wanted to go beyond Iraq". He implied that the military action against Saddam Hussein was only a first step in the battle against WMD proliferation in a series of countries. Mr Bush said he "wanted to go beyond Iraq in dealing with WMD proliferation", says the letter on Downing Street paper, marked secret and personal.

The Downing Street memos represent the most damning information about any President in many years. Lying to the American people to bring about a war of aggression in the most volital part of the world is unconscienable. Starting that war with a grandiose assessment of our military abilities was simply stupid. Bush needs to be impeached because not only is he willing to say or do anything to get his way and violate his oath of office, but most of all because he is so stupid he is dangerous to America.

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